Methods and Applications of Autonomous ExperimentationM Noack, D Ushizima
CRC Press
A substitutional quantum defect in WS2 discovered by high-throughput computational screening and fabricated by site-selective STM manipulationJ Thomas, W Chen, Y Xiong, B Barker, J Zhou, W Chen, A Rossi, N Kelly, ...
A Unifying Perspective on Non-Stationary Kernels for Deeper Gaussian ProcessesMM Noack, H Luo, MD Risser
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.10068
Improve neutron measurement performance with AI and machine learningP Mutti, M Boehm, Y Le Goc, T Weber, M Noack, J Sethian
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 78, a222-a222
Automating STEM Aberration Correction via Bayesian OptimizationAJ Pattison, M Noack, P Ercius
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement_1), 1881-1882
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement_1), 1917-1917
Autonomous x-ray scatteringKG Yager, PW Majewski, MM Noack, M Fukuto
Nanotechnology 34 (32), 322001
Statistical and machine learning-based durability-testing strategies for energy storageSJ Harris, MM Noack
Joule 7 (5), 920-934
Advancing the capabilities of polymer blend directed self-assemblyGS Doerk, A Stein, S Bae, M Noack, M Fukuto, AA Kulkarni, K Toth, ...
Novel Patterning Technologies 2023, PC124970I
Exact Gaussian processes for massive datasets via non-stationary sparsity-discovering kernelsMM Noack, H Krishnan, MD Risser, KG Reyes
Scientific reports 13 (1), 3155
Mathematical nuances of Gaussian process-driven autonomous experimentationMM Noack, KG Reyes
MRS Bulletin 48 (2), 153-163
Autonomous discovery of emergent morphologies in directed self-assembly of block copolymer blendsGS Doerk, A Stein, S Bae, MM Noack, M Fukuto, KG Yager
Science advances 9 (2), eadd3687
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) at Experimental FacilitiesJA Sethian, JJ Donatelli, A Hexemer, MM Noack, DM Pelt, DM Ushizima, ...
Artificial Intelligence for Science: A Deep Learning Revolution, 117-143
Surface enrichment dictates block copolymer orientationS Bae, MM Noack, KG Yager
Nanoscale 15 (15), 6901-6912
Machine-learning for designing nanoarchitectured materials by dealloyingC Zhao, CC Chung, S Jiang, MM Noack, JH Chen, K Manandhar, J Lynch, ...
Communications Materials 3 (1), 86
Advanced stationary and nonstationary kernel designs for domain-aware gaussian processesMM Noack, JA Sethian
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 17 (1), 131-156
Exact Gaussian processes for massive datasets via non-stationary sparsity-discovering kernelsMM Noack, H Krishnan, MD Risser, KG Reyes
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.09070
Autonomous scanning probe microscopy investigations over WS2 and Au{111}JC Thomas, A Rossi, D Smalley, L Francaviglia, Z Yu, T Zhang, S Kumari, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 99
Benchmarking autonomous scattering experiments illustrated on TASM Teixeira Parente, A Schneidewind, G Brandl, C Franz, M Noack, ...
Frontiers in Materials 8, 772014